You are welcome to the Directorate of Research, International Programmes and Institutional Advancement (DRIPIA). The Directorate serves as a platform that implements the institutional strategic plan in line with the mandate of the office. The focus of the Directorate is to direct research activities of the University that will improve the overall ranking of the University through publication in good databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, ESI, etc.  It is envisaged that AAMUSTED will be one of the best research universities in the world in the shortest possible time.
Prof. Ebenezer Bonyah

The Directorate of Research, International Programmes and Institutional Advancement (DRIPIA) at the Akenten Appiah- Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development was established in August 2022.  The purpose of the Directorate is to spearhead the advancement of research, source grants from both local and international donors, collaborate with international institutions and coordinate alumni activities, build stronger relations with the management of the University and promote their involvement in the University’s activities.

The Directorate has since its inception been headed by Ebenezer Bonyah, Ph.D. (Professor of Mathematics).

The Directorate works directly under the office of the Vice-Chancellor. It is the key office in the university that is tasked to manage research and all grants, which have been sourced from internal and external donors. The Directorate has the responsibility of overseeing and coordinating the development of research policies for the University and guaranteeing that Units, Department, Faculties, Directorates, Schools, Colleges, Institutes and Centres of the University carry out research within the domain of the University’s Strategic Plan and research agenda.

The University research focus includes the following: Humanities, Education, Agricultural Science, Vocational, Technical, Life Science, Applied Sciences, and Engineering.

To support the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development, become an institution of excellence through funded research and innovation.
To manage, stimulate and support research and innovation in the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development through policy development, grantsmanship, and capacity building.
The Unit has as part of its function to solicit support from industries, businesses, foundations and individuals for awards. identify and register the University with research funding agencies. provide technical advice to proposal writing teams on funding requirements and consultancy services. provide training and support to staff for grantsmanship and promote research visibility of the University facilitate transfer of knowledge and dissemination of research to improve the visibility of the University review research proposals to ensure that they meet international standards liaise with the Directorate of Quality Assurance, Planning and Accreditation to advise management on procedures that promote research-based teaching collaborate with the Research, Conferences and Scholarships Committee to administer research development funds. keep staff informed of current calls for proposals from funding agencies. collaborate with the Research, Conferences and Scholarships Committee to administer research development funds.  
coordinate international programmes and provide support to international students of the University. liaise with faculties and schools to develop exchange programmes for International Students and Staff support in building strong research collaborations and partnership with international Institutions, Agencies and Corporations  
The institutional advancement office is responsible for developing strategies to enhance AAMUSTED’s access to resources. o develop and maintain a list of donors and/or prospective donors to facilitate resource mobilization. ensure that appropriate documentation and processes exist in respect of each donation to comply with the conditions of donors. communicate effectively to internal and external constituencies on the progress, success and outcomes of major donations and/or sponsorship activities. assist academic and other staff to develop and coordinate fundraising projects; and to work closely with faculties, departments, sections and units in their funds, donations and resource mobilisation activities.
The role of the office is to facilitate the relationship between the University and its alumni, specifically through the Alumni Association. The Alumni Relations aims to facilitate the interaction of alumni with the institution while building alumni ownership in the mission and vision of the University. It envisions to attract and hold the interest of alumni by offering services that stimulate interaction, offer support mechanisms for alumni networking, adding value to their lives while strengthening bonds with the university that result in a life-long relationship. The Unit supports the following activities.
  • Membership drive
  • Fundraising Activities
  • Coordinating Alumni Programmes
The Directorate is headed by the Director of Research, International Programme and Institutional Advancement. In addition to the Director, there are three additional staff who head the Alumni Relations Office, Institutional Advancement and Marketing, and Administration of the Directorate.
Postal address: DRIPIA, P. O. Box 1277, Kumasi
Email address:

Phone No.: +233 24 429 4454 / +233 24 335 7651

Opportunity to Study in Canada

s part of the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development’s Memorandum of Understanding with Memorial University, Canada, a short-term scholarship programme application

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FTE Graduate Seminar Series

Date: 21-22 March, 2023 Venue: Virtual Time: 10:00 GMT each day Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 867 0509 1982Passcode: 447010 21st March, 2023 22nd March, 2023 Topic: Rethinking infrastructure procurement

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ongoing grants
  • a grant to support the transformation of TVET systems in Ghana by GIZ
  • Tackling post-harvest loss in the fruit and vegetable value chain through cost-effective technologies by Ghana Skills Development Fund
  • Strengthening TVET Training through the design and development of OER Courseware by the Commonwealth of Learning
  • Implementation of the Innovation in Non-Traditional Vocational Education and Skills
  • Training (INVEST) project to train TVET tutors on Gender Responsive Pedagogy (GRP) by Global Affairs Canada (GAC)