- About
- Vision
- Mission
- Objectives
- Administration
- Contact
The Directorate of Research, International Programmes and Institutional Advancement (DRIPIA) at the Akenten Appiah- Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development was established in August 2022. The purpose of the Directorate is to spearhead the advancement of research, source grants from both local and international donors, collaborate with international institutions and coordinate alumni activities, build stronger relations with the management of the University and promote their involvement in the University’s activities.
The Directorate has since its inception been headed by Ebenezer Bonyah, Ph.D. (Professor of Mathematics).
The Directorate works directly under the office of the Vice-Chancellor. It is the key office in the university that is tasked to manage research and all grants, which have been sourced from internal and external donors. The Directorate has the responsibility of overseeing and coordinating the development of research policies for the University and guaranteeing that Units, Department, Faculties, Directorates, Schools, Colleges, Institutes and Centres of the University carry out research within the domain of the University’s Strategic Plan and research agenda.
The University research focus includes the following: Humanities, Education, Agricultural Science, Vocational, Technical, Life Science, Applied Sciences, and Engineering.
- Membership drive
- Fundraising Activities
- Coordinating Alumni Programmes
Email address: dripia@aamusted.edu.gh
Phone No.: +233 24 429 4454 / +233 24 335 7651

Opportunity to Study in Canada
s part of the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development’s Memorandum of Understanding with Memorial University, Canada, a short-term scholarship programme application

AAMUSTED’s Prof. E. Bonyah is among the World’s Top 2% of Scientists Again
For the fourth consecutive year, Prof. Ebenezer Bonyah, Director of Research, International Programmes, and Institutional Advancement (DRIPIA) of the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), has

FTE Graduate Seminar Series
Date: 21-22 March, 2023 Venue: Virtual Time: 10:00 GMT each day Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/86705091982?pwd=alhsTklYWXlDWFFVZ2p4b2ZBRmNGZz09 Meeting ID: 867 0509 1982Passcode: 447010 21st March, 2023 22nd March, 2023 Topic: Rethinking infrastructure procurement

COL Supports AAMUSTED to Design and Develop ODFL Courseware for TVET Sandwich/Distance Programmes
The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) has signed an agreement with the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED) to strengthen Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

AAMUSTED Collaborates with DriveRide Network to Promote Quality Driving in Ghana
The Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED) is soon to begin specialised programmes in road safety and transportation in a move that is to help fight

AAMUSTED Roll-out Short Course for Wiring Professionals
The Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED) has rolled-out a short training programme for members of the Certified Electrical Wiring Professionals Association of Ghana (CEWPAG). The
Opportunity to Study in Canada
Student Exchange Opportunity at Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- a grant to support the transformation of TVET systems in Ghana by GIZ
- Tackling post-harvest loss in the fruit and vegetable value chain through cost-effective technologies by Ghana Skills Development Fund
- Strengthening TVET Training through the design and development of OER Courseware by the Commonwealth of Learning
- Implementation of the Innovation in Non-Traditional Vocational Education and Skills
- Training (INVEST) project to train TVET tutors on Gender Responsive Pedagogy (GRP) by Global Affairs Canada (GAC)