You are welcome to the Institute of Entrepreneurial Development Education and Innovation (IEDEI) where we promote creativity and innovation, train and provide relevant entrepreneurial development teachers, promote research and innovation for entrepreneurial educational policy and economic development, nurture new business and existing SMEs.

AAMUSTED is mandated to provide higher education in technical, vocational, and entrepreneurial training to develop skilled manpower for job creation and economic development, train and provide teachers with the relevant competence for teaching in technical and vocational education and training institutions, train and provide teachers with the relevant competence for teaching entrepreneurial development, and develop strong linkages between the University and (i) industry, or (ii) the community, to ensure the holistic training of teachers.

To fulfill our mandate, The IEDEI is established to provide Entrepreneurial Development Training and Education in the University for both staff and students, nurture start-up enterprises and assist existing SMEs and the informal sector businesses in the field of entrepreneurship craftmanship.

In IEDEI, you will learn how to identify opportunities and capitalise on them to create business that meet needs and add value to the customer, solve societal problems and drive economic growth, test the feasibility of the business ideas, develop a business model and business plan, launch successful new businesses, manage, grow and sustain your business venture.

A conducive environment is created at IEDEI for you to engage in critical thinking, and the venture creation process. You will have the opportunity to learn from entrepreneurs and industry experts.

Prof. Isaac Boateng
Ag. Director

Your journey to Entrepreneurship Excellence begins here!

Make the move now!!

Centre for Business Incubation and Innovation

Centre for Entrepreneurship Development Education

Centre for Arts & Crafts Skills Training and Development

Welcome to the Centre for Business Incubation and Innovation (CBII) where we nurture innovative enterprise creation from their embryonic phase to start-up Venture, managing and growing up businesses.         

CBII provides students entrepreneurs with an enabling environment at the start-up stage of enterprise development.

At CBII we will coach and support you to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset in order to nurture your ideas into viable business ideas that solve problems, meet societal needs and add values to your target customers…. read more >>

Join us through our AAMUSTED E-Club.

Mrs. Richmell Baaba Amanamah
Ag. H.O.D., CBII

Welcome to the Centre for Entrepreneurial Development Education (CEDE), where we cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and equip our community with the essential skills and knowledge to transform innovative ideas into impactful ventures and thrive in today’s competitive business landscape.

Our comprehensive programs not only train aspiring entrepreneurs but also prepare individuals to become professional educators in the field of entrepreneurship, ensuring a widespread influence of entrepreneurial expertise and leadership across all sectors of society.

CEDE: Your Journey to Entrepreneurial Excellence!

Dr. Lydia Takyi
Ag. H.O.D., CEDE

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