AAMUSTED Defeats KNUST in Otumfuo Silver Jubilee Football Match

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The Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED) defeated Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in the male football match that climaxed the Special Staff Games organised between the two universities to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of His Royal Majesty, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the Asantehene and Chancellor of KNUST.

It was an emphatic 5:1 victory over KNUST, the favourites going into the game, played at the Paa Joe Stadium on May 9, 2024.

Even though KNUST started the game all guns blazing and scoring the first goal within five minutes of the first half, the AAMUSTED players steadily warmed themselves into the game and took control, displaying intricate passes, accurate dribbling, and firing a barrage of shots into the KNUST poles.

A lot of goal-scoring opportunities fell the way of AAMUSTED in the process of their persistent attacks. However, the team was wasteful until about 20 minutes into the first half when AAMUSTED finally equalised with a sublime low shot into the left corner of the KNUST goal net.

KNUST came back strongly into the game afterward, but it was not long before AAMUSTED regained the momentum and added the second goal. A lovely through pass from the midfield got to an AAMUSTED striker in the 18-yard box of KNUST. The goalkeeper was at the mercy of the AAMUSTED attacker, who, skillfully dribbled past the hapless keeper and effortlessly walked the ball into the KNUST net.

The game was a one-way traffic in the second half. AAMUSTED possessed the ball with agility and panache, often weaving through the KNUST players with cheeky-ease. It took three minutes into the second half for AAMUSTED to record the third goal. In the process, an AAMUSTED player took the ball from the center line and dribbled past four KNUST players, stretching play to the far-right corner of the park and then raced past two other KNUST players, curling the ball from the corner line into the KNUST post.

The fourth and fifth goals came from beautiful inter-positional passes, dribbles, and low shots, one of which went in through the legs of the KNUST goalkeeper.

The exceptional display of the AAMUSTED team sent their supports led by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Isaac Boateng; and the Ag. Director of Public Affairs, Mr. Michael Kofi Twum-Ampomah into a frenzy, cheering the players for a good work done well, jubilating the famous win and posing with the giant trophy won.

In fact, it did not matter that KNUST had earlier won against them in other events, including female football and male and female tug-of-war competitions. Winning the male football match which was the main event, was enough to silence KNUST.