aamusted digital library


IEEE Xplore

IEEE Xplore, delivering full text access to the world’s highest quality technical literature in engineering and technology. IEEE Xplore

Benezit Dictionary of Artists

A comprehensive and definitive resource for artists’ biographies, published since 1911.A comprehensive and definitive resource for artists’ biographies, published since 1911 Benezit Dictionary of Artists

American National Biography

Over 19,000 biographies of significant, influential or notorious figures from American history written by prominent scholars. American National Biography

African American Studies Center

The Oxford African American Studies Center provides students, scholars and librarians with more than 20,000 articles by top scholars in the field. African American Studies Center

Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI)

The Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) provides access to scholarly literature that are critical to the innovation process in major scientific and technical journals in fields such as biotechnology and organic chemistry. ardi.research4life.org


Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) is a program to provide free or low cost access to major scientific journals in agriculture and related biological, environmental and social sciences to public institutions in developing countries. agora.research4life.org


Since 1974, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has provided support to its member countries to make their research outputs visible and accessible through the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS); one of the most comprehensive search engines in food and agricultural scientific literature

Annual Reviews

Timely comprehensive collections of Critical Reviews of 46 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Computer Science, Environment and Resources, Financial Economics, Law, Social Science, Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behaviors, Psychology, Public Health, Resource Economics, Sociology and Statistics. Annual Reviews publications are among the most highly cited in scientific literature, indexed by

Biodiversity Heritage Library

The Biodiversity Heritage Library improves research methodology by collaboratively making biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity community. biodiversitylibrary.org

BioMed Central

A pioneer of open access publishing, BMC has an evolving portfolio of high quality peer-reviewed journals including broad interest titles such as BMC Biology and BMC Medicine, specialist journals such as Malaria Journal and Microbiome, and the BMC Series. hbiomedcentral.com/developingcountries

BioOne Complete

Search more than 200 leading titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. bioone.org


Bookshare is an online library with e-books for people who read differently because of disabilities that affect their use of traditional print, including blindness, visual impairment, learning disabilities, and physical disabilities, such as Parkinson’s disease and paralysis. bookshare.org/cms

BRILL’s Developing Countries Journals

Brill Journals include over 300 journals. EIFL has negotiated discounted pricing for three Brill Journals collections: Humanities & Social Sciences, Law, and Biology. brill.com


Cambridge Core – the books and journals platform from Cambridge University Press replacing Cambridge Journals Online (CJO) and Cambridge Books online (CBO). cambridge.org/core

Cochrane Library

A collection of a six high-quality internationally acclaimed databases of independent Evidence-Based Medical systematic reviews to inform healthcare decision-making and a seventh database that provides information about Cochrane groups. cochranelibrary.com


CORE is the world’s largest aggregator of open access research papers from repositories and journals. It is a not-for-profit service dedicated to the open access mission. core.ac.uk


Dimensions is the most comprehensive research grants database which links grants to millions of resulting publications, clinical trials and patents. app.dimensions.ai

Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ)

DOAJ is a community-curated list of open access journals and aims to be the starting point for all information searches for quality, peer reviewed open access material. It contains 9000 open access journals covering all areas of Science, Technology, Medicine, Social Science and Humanities doaj.org


EBSCO provides products and services to libraries of very many types around the world. Its products include EBSCONET, a complete e-resource management system, and EBSCOhost, which supplies a fee-based online research service with 375 full-text databases, a collection of 600,000-plus ebooks, subject indexes, point-of-care medical references, and an array of

Edward Elgar Publishing Development Studies & Environment E-Books

The Development Studies collection is an interdisciplinary collection of books covering many areas of development studies including finance, economics, innovation studies, infrastructure development, health, corporate governance, public and social policy, migration, research methods, intellectual property, legal reform and more. The collection includes scholarly monographs, handbooks and reference books. elgaronline.com

E-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection

The e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection provides online access to Duke University Press journals in the humanities and social sciences. The EIFL offer provides access to all issues published 24 months ago or more, and currently includes 64 titles. read.dukeupress.edu


Emerald Insight provides abstracts and full text articles from academic journals covering the subject areas of marketing, management, human resources, quality, economics, information management, operations, engineering, production and property, education, health and social care. emerald.com/insight

ERIC Institute of Education Sciences

ERIC is an internet-based digital library of education research and information sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. ERIC provides access to bibliographic records of journal and non-journal literature from 1966 to the present. eric.ed.gov

FAO Digital Publications

FAO works with countries and partners in pursuit of its overriding goal of eradicating hunger. Key to this concerted effort is the sharing of information to raise awareness and advance knowledge of food, agriculture, natural resources and related economic development. As a lead global publisher, FAO brings together multidisciplinary knowledge

Freebook Centre

Freebookcentre.net contains links to thousands of free online technical books. The books collection are either downloadable or can be viewed online. Our collections include core Computer Science, Electronics, Science, Medical and many more. You are welcome to follow the following links for the free books tour. Freebookcentre.net

Free Books for Doctors

FreeBooks4Doctors was created to promote the free availability of medical books on the Internet. . freebooks4doctors.com

Free Medical Journals

Over the next years, the most important medical journals will be available online, free and in full-text. The unrestricted access to scientific knowledge – the new standard in medical publishing – will have a major impact on medical practice.. freemedicaljournals.com


GOALI provides free or low cost online access to legal research and training in developing countries on law and law-related content covering over 2,500 journals, 12,000 books, and 35 other information resources from 65 publishers. portal.research4life.org


HeinOnline is a premier online research platform that provides more than 202 million pages of multidisciplinary periodicals, essential government documents, international resources, case law, and much more. Composed of fully searchable image-based PDFs and available at an affordable price, the wealth of material allows academic institutions, government agencies, law firms,

Highwire Free Backfiles

Highwire Free Backfiles is a premier online research platform that provides more than 202 million pages of multidisciplinary periodicals, essential government documents, international resources, case law, and much more. Composed of fully searchable image-based PDFs and available at an affordable price, the wealth of material allows academic institutions, government agencies,


HINARI is a World Health Organisation (WHO) project partnered by international publishers to assist developing countries have access to biomedical and health literature. The database has about 12,700 journals, 24,900 e-books and about 70 other information resources. portal.research4life.org


The Institute of Physics (IOP) is the professional body and learned society for physics in the UK and Ireland, with an active role in promoting co-operation in physics around the world. We strive to make physics accessible to people from all backgrounds. iop.org/EJ

IOP Science

IOP Publishing is a leading international professional body and learned society devoted to distributing leading-edge scientific research worldwide. IOP Publishing makes scientific information accessible through a portfolio of journals, books, community websites, magazines, conference proceedings, and a multitude of electronic services. iopscience.iop.org

IWA Publishing

IWA Publishing is a leading international publisher on all aspects of water, wastewater and environment, spanning 15 industry-leading journals and a range of books, digitally available on IWAPOnline iwaponline.com


J-STAGE is a platform for scholarly publications in Japan. It is developed and managed by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). JST launched J-STAGE with the aim to: – rapidly circulate research in science, technology, humanities and social sciences in Japan. – strengthen the international dissemination of information from


JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources. jstor.org


Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a leading independent publisher of scientific, technical, and medical content, known worldwide for its prescience and establishment of authoritative peer-reviewed journals, books, and trade publications in cutting-edge fields such as biotechnology, biomedical research, medicine and surgery, public health research and policy, technology and engineering, law,


Merriam-Webster, Inc. is an American company that publishes reference books and is especially known for its dictionaries. It is the oldest dictionary publisher in the United States. merriam-webster.com


MSP (Mathematical Sciences Publishers) is focused on developing software for publishing, and on assisting and creating top-level scientific-research publications. We publish about 20,000 research pages per year, and we strive to offer the highest quality at the lowest sustainable prices. msp.org/publications

National Academic Press

Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Clinical Practice and Research, Earth and Environment. nap.nationalacademies.org


OARE (Online Access to Research in the Environment) is a public-private consortium designed to improve access to scientific research in developing countries by providing high quality, timely, relevant, environmental and related sciences journals and other scientific content for free or at nominal cost. portal.research4life.org


The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of 600,000 words— past and present—from across the English-speaking world. oed.com

Open Edition Books

Open Edition Books is a platform for books in the humanities and social sciences. More than half of them are freely accessible. Additional services are offered through subscribing libraries and institutions. books.openedition.org

Open Edition Journals

Digital resources in the humanities and social sciences. openedition.org/catalogue-journals


Oxford University Press is the world’s largest university press with the widest global presence. OUP’s mission is to create world-class academic and educational resources and make them available as widely as possible. oup.co.uk


Over 40,000 academic books … An essential resource for scholars, teachers and researchers, publishing research and scholarship across many subject areas. oxfordjournals.org


Our portfolio includes core areas in Business, Economics, Politics, and Sociology. As part of Springer Nature we are proud to uphold an unbroken tradition of over 170 years of academic publishing. palgrave-journals.com


The first multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals and papers. Connecting authors with readers, boosting dissemination of new discoveries, consolidating academia around open literature. paperity.org


Bristol University Press, and its imprint Policy Press, are committed to publishing the highest-quality international scholarship in the social sciences and aligned disciplines, with a focus on global social challenges. policypress.co.uk