AAMUSTED Attracts More Strategic Partners

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The Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED) is solidifying its base with industry through strategic collaborative partnerships to deliver on its mandate as a TVET Teacher Education University.

AAMUSTED has recently struck several deals with some of the high-rated institutions and associations including, the Certified Electrical Wiring Professionals, Ghana (CEWPAG) and the Ghana National Tailors and Dressmakers Association (GNTDA).

The agreements, for which the University has signed separate Memorandum of Understanding with each partner, ultimately require the parties to strengthen, promote, and develop academic, cultural, and research cooperation among them.

The parties agreed, among others, to engage in institutional exchanges, organise symposia, workshops, conferences, short courses, and meetings on research issues for their students and trainees and collaborate to conduct practical skills and consultancy services for the students and trainees.

They will also develop new market-driven and technology-centered academic programmes and curricula and exchange information in teaching, student development, and research.

Particularly with CEWPAG, the parties agreed to provide industrial training and exposure to students and faculty to build the confidence of students to transition smoothly from school to the world of work. They will, in addition, train prospective graduates of AAMUSTED on the emerging technologies to bridge the skills gap and make them industry-ready.

At the respective MOU signing ceremonies recently, the Vice-Chancellor of AAMUSTED, Prof. Frederick Kwaku Sarfo, encouraged the parties to endeavor to keep to their part of the MOU to have a smooth implementation. He particularly drew attention to the responsibility that the agreements place on each party to bring out the brands of the institutions involved and encouraged them to work hard at achieving the MOU.

“We are happy that we are going to work together with you to facilitate the socio-economic development of this country,” he stressed. He also asked the leaders of the parties to encourage their members to take advantage of the opportunities at AAMUSTED to seek further studies to improve themselves for better service in their careers.

While the Vice-Chancellor of AAMUSTED, and the Acting Registrar, Mr. Michael Kofi Adu, signed both MOUs on behalf of AAMUSTED, the Ashanti Regional President of CEWPAG, Ing. Yaw Amponsah Ababio, and the Ashanti Regional Representative of the Energy Commission, Mr. Fred Adjei-Brobbey, signed AAMUSTED – CEWPAG Agreement on behalf of the National President of CEWPAG and the Executive Secretary of the Energy Commission, respectively.

The National President of GNTDA, Madam Joana Eshun, and her National Treasurer, Mr. Thomas Mochiah Anaman, signed for the GNTDA.