AAMUSTED Donates Computers and Accessories to Tanoso Anglican JHS-A

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The Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED) has donated computers and accessories to the Tanoso Anglican Junior High School-A in the Kwadaso Municipality, Kumasi. The donation was in accordance with the University’s corporate social responsibility to the Tanoso Community, where its main campus is located.

The University has also committed itself to explore the possibility of extending similar support to other basic schools in the community to support Information Technology Education.

The donation of 12 computers and accessories was a response to a request from the Management of the Anglican JHS-A in their effort to source the facility to boost IT Education in the school.

Representing the Vice-Chancellor of AAMUSTED, Prof. Frederick Kwaku Sarfo, to present the computers to the school, the Registrar of the University, Mr. Augustus Kwaw Brew, highlighted the importance of computers in the administration of schools and the education of pupils.

He said computers were even more crucial in teaching and learning TVET and Entrepreneurship programmes, which AAMUSTED was established in August 2020 to spearhead. Unfortunately, he observed, that not all basic schools in the country have computers in adequate numbers to support effective teaching and learning.

A reason, he said, AAMUSTED readily sacrificed 12 of its computers for donation to the school.

Mr. Brew conceded that the computers donated, which he described as a widow’s mite, may not fully address all the challenges the school may be facing regarding the availability of computers; however, he was happy it could reduce the severity of the challenge in this school.

He was also happy that the donation would support the preparation of pupils to participate fully in the Government’s digitalisation agenda.

He, therefore, encouraged the teachers to maximise the use of the computers to benefit the pupils, urging them to regularly maintain the computers to last long enough to draw maximum benefits from their use.


The Head of the Planning and Statistics Department of the Kwadaso Municipal Education Directorate, Mr. David Kerinya, representing the Municipal Director of Education to receive the computers on behalf of the Anglican School, thanked the Management of AAMUSTED for the kind gesture.

He said lack of computers was a major challenge in basic schools in the Kwadaso Municipality. Mr. Kerinya noted that apart from two schools in the Municipality, which received ten (10) computers each from the Member of Parliament for the Kwadaso Constituency, Prof. Kingsley Nyarko, the other 43 basic schools in the Municipality do not computers to support their IT Education.

He was, therefore, grateful to AAMUSTED for donating the computers. He also encouraged other organisations and individuals to go to the aid of basic schools to obtain computers to support the IT Education.

The Headmistress of the School, Madam Yaa Owusu Nyarko, was equally grateful to AAMUSTED for the gesture, observing that it was the first time she had witnessed such a thoughtful support.

She assured the benefactor that the Anglican School would take very good care of the computers and find ways to add to it to improve the training of pupils of the Anglican School.

She was also thankful to Madam Mary Nimo, who submitted the appeal for computers from the Anglican JHS-A to the University.