AAMUSTED Graduates First Batch of Students

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The Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED) has graduated One Thousand, Two Hundred and Forty-Eight (1,248) students after completing their postgraduate and undergraduate programmes at the University. The group is the first batch of students to complete their studies since the establishment of the University.

At the graduation ceremony on May 26, 2023, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Frederick Kwaku Sarfo, expressed optimism that the training and skills the graduates had acquired from the University was enough preparation to enable them face challenges that may come their way in pursuit of their dream careers.

“We have trained you to be resilient and adaptive, do not limit yourselves to the things taught in the lecture halls alone but explore further and think outside the box if you want to succeed,” the Vice-Chancellor stressed.

The Vice-Chancellor urged them to join the Alumni Association of the University so that they could contribute to the development of AAMUSTED. As Alumni of the University, you are responsible for the greatness or otherwise of the University.

On the part of the University Council and the Management, he said they were making concerted effort to position the University strategically to achieve its mandate and to promote the Government’s TVET, Entrepreneurship, and Industrialisation Transformation Agenda.

“We have focused our initial energies on building a very strong foundation for making AAMUSTED stable, visible, competitive, and attractive,” he said, adding that the Management had embarked on a national and internal university-based Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) to inform decisions and actions towards the execution of the University’s mandate to meet the needs of society.

Prof. Sarfo said the CNA had helped the University to review its existing programmes. Seventy-eight (78) new ones, all related to TVET, ATVET, and Entrepreneurial Education have also been developed. He explained that 15 of the new programmes had already received accreditation and the rest were at various stages of the accreditation process.

He also pointed to improving infrastructure on campuses of the University, marked improvement of internet connection on the campuses, consistent increases in student numbers, local and international collaborations and partnerships as some areas where the University had chalked success.

Notwithstanding the achievements of his administration, he said the University was grappling with inadequate staff numbers to meet the growing numbers of students. Inadequate residential accommodation for students was another challenge the Vice-Chancellor mentioned. He hoped that the government, individuals, and organisations would come to the aid of the University as it commits itself to achieving its mandates.

The Chairman of the University Council, Mr. Paul Kwasi Agyemang, took advantage of the first graduation ceremony to thank the President, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, for establishing AAMUSTED as part of his vision to transform the economic fortunes of Ghana through Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Entrepreneurial Development.

He also commended His Royal Majesty Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the Asantehen, for his continued support and counsel to the University. The Council Chairman also thanked the former Minister of Education, Honourable Matthew Opoku Prempeh, and the current Minister, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, the Parliament of Ghana, and various individuals and institutions for their contributions to the establishment of AAMUSTED.

He said the University Council would continue to offer strategic direction to the University by providing leadership to attain the University’s vision and mission. He said the processes to develop policy documents to facilitate governance of the University to enhance teaching and learning had reached advanced stages.

Mr. Agyemang mentioned the Statutes of the University, a Strategic Plan, a Handbook on Rules and Regulations for Undergraduate Students, and Policies to Govern Postgraduate Studies, among others as some of the policy documents the new University was developing.

The University Council Chairman expressed gratitude to the Government of Ghana, stakeholders of the University, development partners, and the Alumni for their assistance and considerable support that helped to achieve the successes of the last two years of the University’s existence.

However, he indicated that as a new University, there was still the need to expand and grow and, therefore, appealed to the Government to grant financial clearance to appoint new staff to some unmanned sections and supplement what was available in other areas.