AAMUSTED Holds Orientation for New Sandwich Students

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The Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED) has organised an orientation for the 2022/2023 batch of fresh sandwich students. The 2022/2023 fresh students form the third batch of sandwich students to be admitted into the University since its establishment in August 2020 as Ghana’s Premiere Public TVET and Entrepreneurial Development Teacher Education University.

The orientation, held on September 7, 2023, was organised in two sessions for undergraduate and postgraduate students, to equip them with the information necessary to facilitate their early integration into the University Community and its operations.

Topics treated at the orientation included Channels of Communication in AAMUSTED; Procedure for payment of fees; Medical Examination and Health Services at the University Clinic; Academic Services; and Sharpening one’s Academic Skills at the University. Others were Postgraduate Research work/Thesis/Project writing; Semester and Course Credit System; Hall Administration in AAMUSTED; Library Services in AAMUSTED; Online Registration in AAMUSTED; and AAMUSTED IT Services.

Welcoming the students to the orientation and the University, the Vice-Chancellor of AAMUSTED, Prof. Frederick Kwaku Sarfo, indicated that the University was delighted in seeing hundreds of people enroll on the University’s Sandwich Programmes. That he said was a vote of confidence in the University and its programmes.


He assured the students that the University would offer them the best teaching and learning experience in terms of the availability of lecture halls, residential, laboratory and workshop infrastructure; competent teaching and non-teaching staff, convenient teaching and learning arrangements and a serene environment to support their stay on campus.

He also urged the students to approach their studies with seriousness and commitment since sandwich programmes were generally intensive. The Vice-Chancellor encouraged them against wasting time on activities with little or no positive returns. He, however, advised them not to avoid constructive socialisation, as the social networks they establish in the University might open doors for them after the University education.

Prof. Sarfo also touched on the need for fresh students to pay their fees and register, be security conscious, despite the robust security arrangements that the University has put in place and help to protect the University’s property and image.

The Registrar of AAMUSTED, Mr. Augustus Kwaw Brew, briefly spoke on the facilities and the environment for teaching and learning in the University. He asked the students to be at home because they were in good hands at AAMUSTED.

The Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Philip Oti-Agyin, who chaired the sessions, assured the students that his office was always available to provide necessary support in all non-academic matters.

Other speakers at the orientation were Dr. Jeff Danquah Boakye, Director of Finance; Dr. Christopher M. Owusu-Ansah, University Librarian; Dr. Charles Baba Campion, Director of Academic Affairs; Mr. Michael Kofi Adu, Director of Human Resources;  Dr. Wireko-Brobby Bonsu, Senior Medical Officer; and Prof. Isaac Boateng, Director, Institute of Life-Long Learning and Teacher Professional Development.

The rest were Madam Nada Frimpong, a representative of the University’s Hall Manageress; Mr. Eric Dogor, Coordinator of the Student Records Office; Dr. Theresah Dede Larweh, Coordinator of the University Counselling Unit; and Mr. Nicholas Donkor, Head of the University IT Services.