Vice Chancellor’s Welcome Message to Staff and Students

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Vice Chancellor's Welcome Message to Staff and Students

On behalf of management of the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), I warmly welcome you all to our new university and for the 2020/21 academic year. I wish to thank our students, especially freshers for choosing AAMUSTED as their home of learning. I am confident you made the right choice and would not regret coming here. I am also proud of our continuing students, especially the leadership, who have always made significant commitment and contributions to improve the quality of life of students in the University as a whole. 

As you may already be aware, our new and unique university will provide students with higher education in technical, vocational education and training (TVET) and would support them in entrepreneurial development for professional teaching and in competency-based training and research. This you can’t have, anywhere in Africa! 

As a unique institution, we are committed to excellence in teaching and learning and poised at increasing research and development through innovation, setting our benchmarks, thinking more globally, establishing international relationships with some leading universities, organisations and generally making the University an exciting academic place to be. In view of that, we also intend to develop partnership with other institutions, factories, industries and commerce and for skills development of trainees.

As the only TVET University mandated to train competent professional teachers in technical and vocational education in Ghana, we look forward to improving our performance not only in quality teaching and learning environ, but also maintaining and improving our reputation nationally and internationally. 

Currently, efforts are being made in investing in a number of infrastructures such as laboratories, classrooms, equipment, residential and office accommodation for both staff and students to enhance teaching and learning. Similarly, manpower training is being embarked on to ensure that all teaching and non-teaching staff are well-developed and their skills enhanced with the best training with international practice and standards.

You should be proud to know that with AAMUSTED, you can only get the best practical education and training, through learning within the state of art laboratory, workshops and field work as well as compulsory internships in industry and commerce. I am particularly delighted that you made the best choice in deciding to pursue your education at our university.  

Let me assure you, freshmen, as you commence your studies, you will have the opportunity of meeting staff who will demonstrate excellent human relation and introduce you to friendly academic environment, where both teaching and non-teaching staff are present and are dedicated in supporting you to settle well. These same persons will mentor you throughout your stay here, to prepare you well and ready also for the world of work. 

The University also places emphasis on the importance of merit in everything it does. Deserving students are recognized and rewarded where the need arises. It is quite clear to you that, our entrance standards are highly competitive and therefore demands high quality student performance. Expectations on quality academic performance predominates over all other matters.  If you want to become part of the AAMUSTED family, then you will need to understand and accept this emphasis on high academic standards, and the consequences of not performing at your best.

Let me also say that growth is possible only when we as staff of the University are able to work in unison of mind and spirit in ensuring that the institutional mandate is kept in focus at all times. Let us bring new energies, thinking innovatively and showing enthusiasm to bear, having in mind the core institutional values which drive us to excellence in our work delivery. Values such as team work, social inclusiveness and equity, good corporate governance and accountability and student’s inclusiveness should be reflective on our day-to-day work. 

It has been a long but a successful journey, though. Management is very much appreciative of our collective efforts and support which has brought the institution this far. This year presents an opportunity to us, to do things right and also differently in a way that will make our institution grow and expand its frontiers. I urge all staff to support the institution with their unique expertise by working hard and assiduously towards achieving our institutional goals.

Management promises support towards the growth of staff, as a social contract and therefore in turn, expects co-operation from staff to forge ahead towards a common institutional goal.

Thank you for making the commitment to AAMUSTED, to pursue your dream of experiencing higher quality education and to become part of the legion. I trust that the experiences and skills acquired here will help students to feel better equipped to undertake any challenging role after graduation. 


Prof. F.K. Sarfo

Ag. Vice Chancellor