Faculty of technical education


Dr. Sherry Kwabla Amedorme

Welcome to the Department of Mechanical and Automotive Technology Education. Over the decades, the department has grown and continues to provide quality higher education in Mechanical and automotive technology.
The department has well-structured undergraduate and postgraduate programmes that cater for the needs of TVET institutions and industries. We run BSc, MTech, and MPhil in both mechanical and automotive engineering and have over 400 students. Our undergraduate students undertake practically oriented research projects and postgraduate students are encouraged to do cutting-edge research in the area. The main focus of the department is to impart theoretical and practical knowledge in the area to the students, develop among the learners problem-solving skills and innovation of new technologies.

It has entrepreneurial education and other interdisciplinary courses in its curriculum which equip graduates to be self-employed after school. We have state-of-the-art facilities that support our teaching and learning and students make good use of them. Our department can boast of distinguished academics with international recognition who undertake teaching and research and has well-trained technicians who man the various workshops and the labs. You are assured of quality and comprehensive training in mechanical and automotive engineering technology when you take the opportunity to study with us. For further information, you may contact the department or individual lecturers.

Thanks for visiting us.

Best wishes,
Sherry Kwabla, Amedorme (PhD)
Head of the Department and Senior Lecturer,
Department of Mechanical and Automotive Technology

Historically, in 1964 when the College of Technology Education was established as Kumasi Advanced Technical Teachers’ College (KATTC), the Department of Mechanical Technology Education was under the programme of Industrial Arts and Technology (IAT) Education and the division of Applied Arts and Technology Education (DAATE). The KATTC offered diploma programmes till 1996 when seven diploma awarding institutions were merged under one umbrella for awarding degree certificates. As a result of the merger, Faculties were created with their subsequent departments.  The Design and Technology Education (DTE) Department emerged under the Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education.

The DTE was established as a unified Technology Department where programmes in Wood Technology, Mechanical Technology, Construction Technology, Automotive Technology, Electrical/Electronic Technology as well as Catering and Fashion Technology Education were run. In the bid to satisfy national aspirations and recommendations from stakeholders, the programme was reviewed to include more content courses while the expected degree upon successful completion was changed from Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) to Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.). These were also aimed at establishing well equipped detached departments for efficient and effective input and output of knowledge, skills and experience which will surely make the department’s real centres of excellence that is craved for in the vision of the University of Education, Winneba.

The Department of Mechanical Technology Education therefore formed a section comprising six (6) units in operation under the Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education. This faculty metamorphosed to two separate Faculties under the names Faculty of Technical Education and Faculty of Vocational Education in August 2013.  The Department of Mechanical Technology Education subsequently emerged as an independent Department in the year 2013 when the Faculty of Technical Education was created. The Department was later renamed the Department of Mechanical and Automotive Technology Education.

In line with the new trend, the Department of Mechanical and Automotive Technology Education was mandated to prepare graduates to meet the national demand for competent Mechanical and automotive Technology teachers who possess the academic and professional skills to effectively teach their relevant specialised subject areas in pre-tertiary/tertiary levels of education.

The philosophy and objectives of the programmes run by the Department of Mechanical and Automotive Technology fit into the Vision, Mission and strategic plans of the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED) and national demand. 

Thus, the vision of the Department is “to become an outstanding Centre for the training of Mechanical and Automotive Technology teachers in the West African sub-region. The Mission is “To equip students with the necessary academic and professional competencies and skills through the use of innovative techniques to enable them teach effectively in pre-tertiary/tertiary TVET institutions. It has the Aim or goal of training competent professional Mechanical and Automotive Technology Education Teachers for all Levels of TVET education, to establish their own workshops to ease the problem of unemployment and to fit into the industries.

The administrative office of the Department of Mechanical and Automotive Technology Education under the Faculty of Technical Education (FTE) is located on the first floor of Construction Block at AAMUSTED. This office is managed by dedicated and hardworking administrative staff of the Department.


The following academic programmes are currently being run by the Department:

Regular Programme

  • BSc Mechanical Engineering Technology Education
  • BSc Automotive Engineering Technology Education
  • MPhil Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • MPhil Automotive Engineering Technology
  • MTech top-up to MPhil Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • MTech top-up to MPhil Automotive Engineering Technology

Sandwich Programme

  • BSc Mechanical Engineering Technology Education
  • BSc Automotive Engineering Technology Education
  • MTech Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • MTech Automotive Engineering Technology

The Department currently has eight (8) lecturers with four (5) lecturers on full time, two (2) on post retirement contract and one (1) on part time.

Postal address: Department of Mechanical and Automotive Technology Education, AAMUSTED, P. O. Box 1277, Kumasi

Email address: dmate@aamusted.edu.gh     

Phone No.: +2330352195880


FTE Graduate Seminar Series

Date: 21-22 March, 2023 Venue: Virtual Time: 10:00 GMT each day Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/86705091982?pwd=alhsTklYWXlDWFFVZ2p4b2ZBRmNGZz09 Meeting ID: 867 0509 1982Passcode: 447010 21st March, 2023 22nd March, 2023 Topic: Rethinking infrastructure procurement

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FTE Graduate Seminar Series

Date: 21-22 March, 2023 Venue: Virtual Time: 10:00 GMT each day Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/86705091982?pwd=alhsTklYWXlDWFFVZ2p4b2ZBRmNGZz09 Meeting ID: 867 0509 1982Passcode: 447010 21st March, 2023 22nd March, 2023 Topic: Rethinking infrastructure procurement

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DTI Students Visit AAMUSTED

Students from the Dabokpa Technical Institute (DTI) Tamale in the Northern Region have visited the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED) to seek practical exposure to

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