SCB Erects Security Post at AAMUSTED-Kumasi

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The Students’ Chaplaincy Board (SCB) of the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), has erected a Security Post at the main campus – Kumasi to boost further the security in the University.

Immediate Past Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Dr. Francis K. Sam (third from right) handing over the keys of the Security Post to the Vice Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Philip Oti-Agyen

The one-room Security Post, erected in the immediate environs of the imposing Reynolds Okine Building (ROB), was built by the 2020/2021 academic year-group SCB at the cost of GHS4,500.00.

The Treasurer of the Board, Mr. Joshua Osei Antwi, handed over the facility to the Management of AAMUSTED on October 15, 2021, on behalf of the outgone Chairman, Mr. Razak Abubakari.

He stressed the SCB’s joy for having been able to offer their widow’s mite. His prayer was that the erection of the Security Post would improve security at the ROB.

According to him, the SCB had plans to continue supporting the University with more facilities, particularly in areas of need for students. He, therefore, encouraged their successors to work seriously at materialising the plan to support the development of AAMUSTED.

The Vice-Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Philip Oti-Agyen, received the keys to the Security Post on behalf of Management and thanked the SCB for their thoughtfulness in supporting the University.

He re-echoed the importance of the facility to the University, encouraging personnel of the AAMUSTED Security to maintain the facility for it to yield the desired outcome.

The Acting Head of the AAMUSTED Security, Mr. S. H. K. Agyemang, also thanked the student body for the generous offer. He said the donation would boost the morale of the personnel to work harder for the good of students and the staff of AAMUSTED.

Also present at the brief hand-over ceremony were the immediate past Chaplain of the University, Rev. Fr. Dr. Francis K. Sam, the Junior Assistant Registrar at the Estate Department of the University, Mrs. Ama Fosuhemaa Abrokwah, and some of the security personnel.

The Reynolds Okai Building