SGS and GRASAG of AAMUSTED Organise Maiden Postgraduate Research Conference

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The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) of the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), in partnership with the Graduate Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG) chapter of the University, has successfully organised a two-day Postgraduate Research Conference.

The conference, held on August 8-9, 2024, at AAMUSTED, was the first of its kind to be organised by the University. Themed “Sustainable Solutions for Tomorrow: Innovation in Addressing Global Challenges,” the conference provided a unique platform for the graduate students to present their research findings, engage in intellectual discussions, and receive feedback from esteemed faculty members, and peers.

Over 80 abstracts, representing the research works of multidisciplinary graduate students were showcased at the conference through Poster and Oral Presentation formats, to promote academic excellence, innovation, and collaboration among the participants.

The conference also featured a competitive segment where the postgraduate students rivaled one another in three areas – Oral Presentations, Poster Presentations, and Best Published Paper from Thesis.

In the end, Mr. Elijah Kusi, Ms. Abiba Gariba, and Mr. Anthony A. Owusu were adjudged the overall best, first runner-up, and second runner-up respectively in the Poster Presentation competition; Ms. Millicent Esinam Tuglo, Charles Osei Nyarko, and Mr.  Abdul Sumaila came first, second, and third respectively in the Oral Presentation Competition; and in the Best Published Paper competition, Mr. Peter Korankye was adjudged the overall best, followed by Mr. Patrick Zievie and Mr.  Emmanuel Appiah in second and third positions respectively.

The conference culminated in an award ceremony, where each of the nine (9) winners was presented with a beautiful plaque and a certificate to recognise their outstanding achievements.

The Vice-Chancellor of AAMUSTED, Prof. Frederick Kwaku Sarfo, delivered a thought-provoking keynote address at the opening session of the Conference on August 8, 2024. He outlined challenges plaguing the world and identified some root causes and far-reaching consequences as a foundation for making passionate advocacy for developing sustainable solutions to address the challenges.

Prof. Sarfo’s address set the tone for the conference, as it emphasised the need for critical and innovative thinking and collective action to confront the complex problems facing humanity. His insightful remarks served as a call to action and inspired participants to engage in meaningful discussions and explore collaborative solutions throughout the conference.

He emphasised the importance that AAMUSTED attaches to the issue of sustainability in its operations as a pacesetter in vocational and technical education and entrepreneurial training. That he said, reflected in the University’s vision “To be a World-Class Socially Responsible TVET and Entrepreneurial Development Teacher Education University.”

Prof. Sarfo, thus, reminded lecturers and researchers of the university to anchor their academic activities and practices on green theory to achieve social, economic, and environmental sustainability in Ghana and the world.

Again, he encouraged the Lecturers to work together to train and provide TVET and entrepreneurial development teachers and students of AAMUSTED with relevant competencies that promote the adoption of sustainable behaviours and strategies in the execution of their professions.

The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies (SGS), Prof. Humphrey Danso, speaking on the topic “Exploring Innovative Approaches to Global Sustainability,” emphasised the need to explore innovative approaches to global sustainability for addressing the complex challenges facing the world. He identified key areas that were making significant impacts. Key among the areas identified were Circular Economy, Green Technology, Sustainable Agriculture, Green Chemistry, Sustainable Urban Development, and Corporate Sustainability Initiatives.

Other  speakers and their respective topics at the conference were: Assoc. Prof. (Mrs.) Margaret Esi Essilfie, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture Education,  Postgraduate Studies as the Future for Education in the 21st Century; Assoc. Prof. Edmond Kwasi Agyeman, Deputy Director of Research, International Programmes and Institutional Advancement (DRIPIA), AAMUSTED, Ghana, Developing Innovative Research/Entrepreneurship Ideas and Proposal Writing Skills to Attract Funding; Dr. Seyram Pearl Kumah, Department of Accounting Education,  How Cryptocurrency Works: Bitcoin Explained; and John Muloon, President, John Patrick Sales Academy, Canada, Your Personal Mentorship Approach and Process (MAP) for your successful Journey in Business and Life.