WOCOM of SSA-UoG, AAMUSTED Holds Empowerment Seminar and Health Screening

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The Women’s Commission (WOCOM) of the Senior Staff Association-Universities of Ghana (SSA-UoG) of the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED) has organised an empowerment seminar and free cervical cancer and glaucoma screening for the Association members and other staff of the University.

The hostess of the popular  OBRA Talk Show on Multi-media Group’s Nhyira FM, Mrs. Elleanor Effe Amanor, aka Mama Effe, and a Senior Lecturer at the Accounting Department and Coordinator of Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Business Education, AAMUSTED, Mrs. Richmell Baaba Amanamah, were speakers for the May 19, 2022, seminar. It had the theme – ‘Work, Wealth, and Wellness: An Individual Responsibility.’

Dignitaries at the high table

Speaking on the sub-theme ‘Managing Work and Modern Family Living,’ Mama Effe denoted the letters in the word WOMAN as Wisdom, Organiser, Manager(ess), Activeness, and Nourisher. She expatiated them to encourage the female participants, especially about how they could maintain a stable and progressive home. Above all, she asked women to be submissive, obedient, and serviceable to succeed as wives.

A section of the participants at the seminar

She cautioned participants against falling into the social media traps, saying that it is unwise for anybody to allow social media to bring pressure on them. ‘We must live to complete life being content with what we have and can maximize our progress and not live a life of perpetual competition that would only saddle us with stress, struggles, and unhappiness,’ she urged the participants.

Mrs. Amanamah for her part spoke on ‘Wealth Creation: Opportunities Available for the 21st Century Full-Time Worker.’ She focused her presentation on The Need for Wealth Creation, Principles for Creating Wealth, How to Create Wealth, and Avenues for Effective Investment.

Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. James Kagya-Agyemang, chairing the seminar

To create wealth, she advised the participants to focus their resources on accumulating assets (things that could generate income) and not liabilities to dissipate their scarce resources. ‘We need to plan our finances toward retirement, unforeseen circumstances, and financial independence,’ she stressed, adding that participants must endeavor to be financially prudent by spending on needs and cutting unnecessary spending on wants.

Presentation of citation to Mama Effe and Mrs. Amanama

Mrs. Amanamah explained that good financial planning would require clear-cut goals, wealth oriented mindset, and the discipline to save habitually. She suggested investments in fixed deposits, treasury bills, real estate (acquisition of land), and equities as viable investment avenues for the participants to consider.

Earlier, the Chairman of the SSA-UoG of AAMUSTED, Mr. John Ofori Frimpong, indicated delight in the eventual happening of the programme. He assured the Management of AAMUSTED that a Labour Union like the SSA-UoG is not out there for strikes and uncompromising agitations but about the welfare and wellbeing of members principally.

Chairman of the SSA-UoG of AAMUSTED, Mr. John Ofori Frimpong, addressing the participants

Describing the Empowerment Seminar and Health Screening as an example of many beneficial activities and programmes that the SSA-UoG has in store for its members, he stressed the anticipation of the Association Leaders for members to improve their performances through such programmes. He was grateful for the support the SSA-UoG enjoys from the AAMUSTED Management.

Mama Effe (in white trousers) in a pose with the SSA-UoG WOCOM, Ms. Regina Mensah

Chairing the programme, the Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. James Kwame Kagya-Agyemang, commended the Leaders of SSA-UoG for a well-organised programme. He encouraged men to support their wives to bring peace and progress to the home.

Also participating in the programme were the Acting Registrar, Mr. Michael Kofi Adu, Acting Director of Finance, Mr. Geoffrey Mensah, Deans of Faculty, Heads of Department, and other staff of AAMUSTED.

The SSA-UoG presented citations to Mama Effe and Mrs. Amanamah for their contributions to individuals and society and for enlightening them at the empowerment seminar and health screening.

Some members of the SSA-UoG posed for the camera after the seminar