Dr. Justice Williams is a lecturer and an entrepreneur with 23 years of industrial experience in construction projects management and civil engineering works. With specialisation in steel buildings Overseeing projects funded by the Government, private sector and donor organisation.
A committed and motivated lecturer with 6 years of teaching experience at leading Ghanaian academic institutions Such as Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Central University and presently Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial management . Teaching students with various socio-cultural backgrounds spanning from undergraduates to postgraduates.
Academic Qualifications
- PhD. Construction Management
- MSc. Construction Management
- PGD. Occupational Health and Environmental Management
- BSc. Construction Technology
- HND. Civil Engineering and Construction
- Technicians Certificate III
Professional Affiliations/ Memberships
- University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG)
- Institution of Engineers and Technologist Ghana
- Ghana Institute of Surveyors
- Ghana Institute of Construction
Teaching Interests
- Measurement of Construction Works
- Estimating, Costing and Economics
- Construction management
- Construction planning and control
- Construction Technology
- Construction Health and Safety
- Introduction to Construction Materials
- Construction Human Resource Management
- Risk and Quality Management
Research Interests and Supervision
- Construction Health and Safety
- Corporate Social Responsibility
Selected Publications
- Justice Williams, Frank Fugar, Emmanuel Adinyira & Humphrey Danso (25 May 2023): A framework towards health and safety knowledge transfer from the construction industry to the community in developing countries: a case study of Ghana, International Journal of Construction Management, DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2023.2214984
- Justice Williams, Frank Fugar & Emmanuel Adinyira (2021): Exploring enablers of health and safety knowledge transfer from construction companies to project host communities, International Journal of Construction Management, DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2021.2006417.
- Williams, J., Fugar, F., Adinyira, E. 2019. Assessment of health and safety culture maturity in the construction industry in developing economies A case of the Ghanaian construction industry. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology © Emerald Publishing Limited 1726-0531 DOI 10.1108/JEDT-06-2019-015.
- Williams, J., Fugar, F., Adinyira, E. 2019. Health and Safety Improvement Amongst Ghanaian Communities as A Corporate Social Responsibility of Construction Companies. American Journal of Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 3, No. 2, 2019, pp. 23-29.doi:10.11648/j.ajcbm.20190302.11.
- Williams, J., Fugar, F., Adinyira, E. 2018. A Conceptual Framework of Knowledge Transfer from the Construction Company to the Project Host Community. Proceedings of the 10th CIDB Postgraduate Conference 25-27 February 2018 South Africa.
- Williams, J., Fugar, F., Adinyira, E. 2020. Identification of Corporate Social Responsibility Challenges and Performance in the Ghanaian Construction Industry. Proceedings of the joint ASCE and C.R.C. 2020 Conference Tempe Arizona U.S.A. 08-10 Mar 2020. Published ASCE library.